Psychopathic Seduction and Hypnotic Induction

It’s no surprise that several experts on the psychopathic bond, including Sandra Brown M.A., show that psychopaths rely upon hypnotic techniques to seduce and ultimately control their victims: repetition; a mesmerizing tone of voice; inducing a total focus on them and the relationship with them; focused eye contact; the power of suggestion. In fact, there are even books on the market advising men how to seduce women via hypnotic techniques. All of this didn’t strike a chord with me until this Thanksgiving, however, when my family and I attended a hypnotist show.

According to the Wikipedia, hypnosis is defined as “a trance state characterized by extreme suggestibility, relaxation and heightened imagination.” Contrary to popular belief, unlike sleep, the hypnotic trance is not an unconscious state. Those under hypnosis are usually led into an extremely relaxed and at the same time highly focused state of mind, whereby they become very suggestible and prone to follow instructions.  The use of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes is referred to as “hypnotherapy,” while its use as entertainment, as in the case of the show my family and I watched, is known as “stage hypnosis“. Both processes, as well as psychopathic seduction, work in a similar manner despite their radically different purposes.

The hypnotist leads the subject or audience to a state of increasingly focused attention and a corresponding reduction of inhibition and of peripheral awareness. This intense focus, in turn, increases the subject’s response to the hypnotist’s instructions or suggestions. During the stage hypnosis show I attended, some of the volunteers were quickly eliminated because they were too self-conscious, or at least not sufficiently susceptible to the hypnotist’s suggestions. Others, however, including grown men, began to follow the hypnotist’s various instructions, which entailed (among other things) laughing at jokes that weren’t funny; phonetically imitating Japanese rap (even though they didn’t speak a word of Japanese), and (the most ridiculous) clucking like a chicken while eating from the floor imaginary grains. All this seemed very far-fetched.

There was a rational part of me that was very skeptical about whether or not these individuals were in a hypnotic trance or just putting on a show, since after all they had volunteered and were now on stage. Probably at least some of them were just being good sports. However, thinking back to my own experience with the psychopathic bond, I saw some similarities that rendered the notion of the hypnotic trance quite plausible.

Just as psychopaths are natural social predators–with an instinct for who will be susceptible to their advances, how and why–they are also natural hypnotists. Psychopaths inculcate in their victims a nearly total focus on them and on the relationship with them by isolating them from others, discouraging them from other activities, and monitoring and monopolizing their time. They use mesmerizing techniques, such as staring into their target’s eyes, speaking softly and repetitively, and using the power of suggestion to get them to do what they wish.

Everyone involved with a psychopath or any other personality disordered individual is ultimately abdicating control over their lives. Being predatory and power-driven, psychopaths gradually gain more and more control over their targets. Hypnotic techniques, such as the ones described in greater depth in the article below, can be used for constructive purposes or for destructive purposes. In the case of psychopathic seduction, the objective is clearly destructive: the psychopath aims to control, manipulate and harm the victim, often also leading her (or him) to harm others in turn. Take a look at the article below, from the website, to see for yourselves which techniques were used by the disordered person you were (or are) involved with to gain control of you, your will and your life. Perhaps these very techniques can be used by you to regain control and even improve aspects of your life.

Claudia Moscovici, psychopathyawareness

Dangerous Liaisons: How to Identify and Escape from Psychopathic Seduction

Hypnotic Induction

Hypnotic induction the process in getting into hypnosis session, hypnosis is actually an enhanced day dreaming, subject should be aware in the voice of the hypnotist, not with anything else. A hypnotic experience will vary from session to session. The process is being done by letting the subject to relax, usually taking a deep breath then let them closed their eyes. Increase the state of relaxation by getting them to visualize a relaxing place. This could be a garden, a forest clearing or any place that could bring the subject into peaceful and tranquil place. Make this relaxing place vivid by exploring it with all the senses. Create a way of deepening the hypnotic state, usually by counting one up to ten. This deepening is often accompanied by getting the subject to takes steps down a set of stairs that you may introduce in the visualization.

Hypnotic Induction

That mentioned procedure above are usually enough to induce a state of deep hypnotic state but if your subject has been hypnotized before you may instruct them to go even deeper- direct command to go twice as deep often works well. A few physical relaxations are the most suitable thing you need to be done before starting the process. This will put your client into a very responsive state during the actual hypnotic induction process. You can use this to hypnotize other people or record a session to hypnotize yourself. But sometimes there are subjects that are hard to gone in hypnotic induction process; script is such a nice thing to use in this case. This script is such a good crap to bring your client into deep relaxation or whatever situation he/she want to encounter during process. This process is used in working hypnotherapy.

Hypnotic induction does not require a special power to hypnotize person. In fact, it is such natural states that people go into hypnosis regularly. The most common natural states occur while gazing into a fire or when driving. If you were to listen to some positive suggestions in these naturally occurring trance states they would have an effect on you. There are many things that have been found to induce trance, these include confusion, shock, repetition, focused attention, and relaxation. But mostly studied in the focus of relaxation, as it is the easiest way to apply the hypnotic induction without offending your client, the focused attention is such a great element to stop your clients mind in wandering during induction process. As it said, the induction process is all about getting your client relax and as many people have completely forgotten how to do this, you need to help them out a little. This event is such a best way for those bothered person who wants to relax.

How to use hypnotic induction

When we say hypnotic induction, there are several people who are expert in this field. One of them said that one of the common questions he had encountered was the question asking what the best induction is. Everyone hardly find a program or a script that are fast and powerful in urging a deep and effective trance. Various hypnosis instructors and hypnotherapist have their favorites methods and ways, each methods are best to used, what it matter is on the way they are going to apply it. As it said hypnotic induction is best based on person-by-person or situation-by-situation. Hypnosis involves two people; this event is something like conversation. But sometimes we want to accommodate more than two people in hypnotic induction activity. But the question is how do you become effective in inducing trance to more two people?

hypnotic induction techniquesWell, before going through a wide range of people, develop first your skill with different styles of induction, become skilled in noticing signs of trance because sometimes trance state is there but you haven’t notice it specially if you are new in this said activity, be attentive when you see or feel a sign of trance, and lastly, whenever you do something that works- focus on doing it more. If you do something new style then doesn’t working – move to another style that will work. The most common way hypnotic induction is asking your subject to relax the eyelids up to the point where they won’t open it anymore during session. But to assure that your subject is really in state of trance, try to asked your subject to open it, if their eyes will remain close3d even if they are trying to open it then they are on the way of deep relaxation. Every client has different subjects, sometimes there are subjects that is difficult to handle. Especially to those clients who are carrying a hard time in their lives. You may do a lot of ways to make them relax but still they won’t. But it is seldom too happened.

This hypnotic induction has been used to aid creativity, learning, mental and physical performance, concentration and memory. Using the brainwave technology, it was found that a certain combination of alpha and theta harmonics caused the most suggestible hypnotic state. You will need less session to achieve your goal, even the stubborn habits will be removed and you can program yourself as well. You can also used gadgets for self hypnotic inductions like mp3, CD’s, tape’s and more objects that can be used in urging trance. You can do recording of your voice and play it as background during session, in that simple way, you can create a hypnotic state.